Grapefull has been tasked to assist Kuda Holdings as a whole, whereby providing various services to all departments.
Main Services
Print, Digital & Web | Business Consulting
After a successful trial period, Kuda sought out the on-going services of Grapefull on a retainer basis to assist with various marketing and consulting needs.
Current service offerings include: Digital design of all advertising needs, content creation for social media use, stock sourcing, PR, consulting, website management.
Web, PR & Consulting
The existing website didn't correctly portray their services across multiple departments visually, and the overall website needed some fine-tuning to ensure a clean, correct website which is easy to navigate for their customers. We worked with Kuda to refresh the current familiar website to achieve this.
We've been consulting to Kuda for requested guidance on broader cross-platform brand awareness by backing up current campaigns. With this has come assistance with press release articles, art direction and content writing relating to current campaigns for cross-platform placement.
With there being multiple departments that form the business as a whole, our focus was to ensure that, from initiation going forward, we integrate brand uniformity across all departments in all marketing elements.
As we worked to uplift their visual presence outwardly, it was a critical element to ensure uniformity was maintained as a fundamental check point for all design elements, to ensure the public could associate each department to the same company.